Saturday, November 13, 2010

Kanye West On the Today Show

What a tool Matt Lauer is. "I want you to just look at his face." What a weird way to talk to someone. And what's the big deal about GWB's face? Like he's expressing a whole bunch of emotion with that look. Frankly I didn't see any emotion from him or his facial expressions. I totally agree with what Kanye said about not needing to be prompted by the clip. "Pre looking at his face". Haha! As far as the rest of the video you can be the judge.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I liked that he challenged them as producers of a schlocky Barbara Walters flavored segment, ie: cue the tape for emotion, but I have a problem with his back-peddling on what was, and still is, a very right-on stance. A statement needed to be made about the way Katrina was "mishandled" and it being directly related to the fact that it overwhelmingly involved black Americans. For the media to feign horror at the notion that George Bush could possibly be a racist is laughable. Yeah, freedom of expression, "Just don't get out of line black boy or we'll parade you in front of the cameras and make you say you're sorry."