Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Haji P: Good Grief

Pretty tight new song from P! I'm diggin' the Akinyele "Put It In Your Mouth" sample. Haji sent me the following info: "Haji P., of North Carolinian duo Brown Co. (and San Francisco crew Rec League), sets up for the release of his first solo project, Neighborhood Kid. A follow up to Brown Co.'s 2007 LP, Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood. The lead single, "Good Grief" (produced by DJ MF Shalem) offers a brief autobiography of the rapper; spanning his childhood in Hawaii & Jersey City, his coming of age in the south, and his most recent move to California's bay area. Dope, right? The entire life of one mildly remarkable entertainer, summarized into four minutes of melodious rap song. How could you not love that? And if by some horrible mistake you decide you don't love it...give it a second listen and correct that mistake. Peace. -Haji P"

1 comment:

The Fresh Prints! said...

to download the song, hit up this link. Bing!
